Independent King's Counsel (Leading Barrister)
Legal Claims for Serious and Complex Injury and Disease
Regulated by the Bar Standards Board.
General Council of the Bar of England & Wales Membership No. 20870.
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Theo Huckle KC
Senior Leading Counsel now in Independent Sole Practice
Severn Estuary from Goldcliff, 4 October 2020.
Personal injury comes in all sorts of different ways and usually when least expected. When personal injury has long term effects on the injured person it causes havoc in people's lives, that of the injured person him/herself, but also in those of their friends and families. In recent years it has become much better understood just how expensive it can be to provide proper care, equipment, and income, to enable the person with the injury to carry on and enjoy a fulfilling life, and to enable those family and friends also to get on with their lives: it can be exhausting looking after a disabled person long term, however supportive those closest will wish to be, and it may well not actually be in the interests of the injured person to be reliant in that way.
It is really important that someone suffering serious or complex injury obtains expert advice as to whether they can and should make a claim for compensation, against whom, and how best to assess the prospects of success and how much the claim is really worth. That expert advice should be obtained as soon as possible. As a personal injury KC (barrister), clinical negligence KC (barrister), and product liability KC (barrister), Theo Huckle KC offers that expertise at the highest level based on top level legal qualifications and experience, working across the UK and abroad.
A serious or complex injury needs a serious and senior KC (barrister) to help you manage the process and obtain the best outcome, and Theo Huckle KC is that lawyer.
This site is intended to provide comprehensive information about Theo Huckle KC, leading barrister - his background, education, qualifications, specialties, experience and interests inside and outside the law. Please feel free to browse, and of course if you have further queries don't hesitate to get in touch using the Contact details on every page.
Covid19 has been a blight on people's lives both here in the UK and around the world, and I am all too conscious of the loss and stress that people have suffered. I am pleased and relieved that we are returning to something approaching normal life again, though new variants present ongoing challenges and long term effects are still to be fully understood. May I offer my best wishes to everyone as you continue to live with 'long Covid' and other serious restrictions, illness, stress, and worsening of the effects of disability generally.
As recent Chair of the Bar Council's Wellbeing At The Bar Working Group, I am fully alert to and will always aim to help with the Wellbeing issues which arise from the pandemic and its effect upon clients and their families, as well as upon lawyers and judges and court staff.
How to use this site...
from the links here or in the Site Menu
in the Header Bar above and at each page in the site...
If you are a client considering asking me for advice direct, please find further information here.
If you are a lawyer considering instructing me in the usual way, please find further information here.
If you would like to see details of the work I have done and am currently doing, please use this section.
If you want to find out about me as a person, where I come from and what matters to me, you will find more here, including some photos and videos of me "in action" in various ways.
How to use this site...
from the links here or in the Site Menu
in the Header Bar above and at each page in the site...
If you are a client considering asking Theo Huckle KC, barrister, for advice direct, please find further information here.
If you are a lawyer considering instructing Theo Huckle KC, barrister, in the usual way, please find further information here.
If you would like to see details of Theo Huckle KC's work ie. work I have done and am currently doing, please use this section.
Here you can find the answers to some Frequently Asked Questions about instructing Theo Huckle KC, barrister.
If you want to find out about Theo Huckle KC, barrister, as a person, where I come from and what matters to me, you will find more here, including some photos and videos of me "in action" in various ways.
Types of Work Undertaken
Complex Injury
When it comes to making successful claims in the courts, serious injuries are complex and complex injuries are serious. Injuries which cause death (called "Fatal Accidents" because of the act of Parliament of that name) are of course always serious. By "complex" I therefore mean:
injuries which are complicated in themselves, such as surgical injuries, birth injuries or death (to mother and/or baby), catastrophic injuries, head injury and brain injury, spinal injury, industrial diseases and illnesses (eg. from asbestos and dust, especially mesothelioma and other lung cancers; noise; vibration etc.) ;
other rare or unusual diseases and illnesses;
injuries involving significant and often permanent disability or death;
psychiatric injuries which have long term effects and seriously inhibit enjoyment of life;
rheumatological and other neurological injuries such as fybromyalgia or chronic fatigue and pain syndromes, and functional disorders;
losses suffered by dependants in Fatal Accident claims (which includes deaths resulting from cumulative or "delayed" injury eg. by exposure to asbestos).
To these we may now add claims arising out of the various complex problems associated with infection control, especially of Covid19, including where PPE has not been given to staff most exposed, ie. "key workers" or "front line staff", or where treatment for serious conditions has not been offered properly because of inappropriate resource allocations or reallocations.
See further information in FAQs.
How caused?
Serious injury may arise in any aspect of life, but is often a result of road accidents (RTA), sports injuries, workplace accidents (especially involving falls from height or dangerous vehicles and machinery), or exposure to dangerous substances or agents (eg. asbestos, other carcinogens, heat, fire, noise, vibration, fumes, dust etc.), or medical accidents or failures to treat conditions properly.
Strategic and Appellate work
The technical stuff
Digital working
I like to save the trees, and to stop myself getting the sorts of muskuloskeletal injury common amongst lawyers carrying heavy bags of case papers and authorities. So I work digitally, which is generally more efficient anyway; see here for how this works better for the client. If you need help preparing papers for submission digitally, just ask.
Maximising Damages
In the time I have been practising, the correct computation of damages awards has become an increasingly complex process, though it remains "both science and art". I am especially experienced in and prepared for the technicalities of this work. See more information here.
I have not in more than 3 decades of practice had a professional complaint upheld against me, but that does not alter my obligation to have a proper complaints system. Please see our Complaints Procedure here.
Contact Us
Please note I can practise throughout England & Wales and beyond, and like to meet clients where they live, but my "official" work address is:
Theo Huckle KC
21 Old Buildings
Lincoln's Inn
London WC2A 3UP
Tel. 0204 5 428 328