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  • Writer's pictureTheo Huckle QC


Well, it’s a new year after an “interesting time” which of course continues. A time for change if ever there was, and at the end of another of my “5 year review periods” I decided on some change for 2021.

After a year thinking about Covid and its effects on colleagues, friends and communities, I have decided to concentrate on being a sole practitioner at the Bar. My own little exercise in “taking back control” you might say.

And so, from St David's Day (had to be! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿) I will remain as an Associate Member at Doughty Street - and it should be clearly understood that I have had absolutely no falling out with my fantastic colleagues there, but the complex injury market is changing and I am responding to that.

After quite a gestation period, I have today launched my new website at which I hope will be of interest.

I’ll be doing some posting in coming days to set the scene for what I’m aiming to achieve here. Thanks to all those who have been supportive and helpful with suggestions for format and content. You know who you are. 😉

Ongoing constructive feedback welcome of course.

Thanks again all. Bring it on.



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